Mindful Stress Management
Meditation & Mindfulness
One possible outlet in which individuals, specifically adolescents, can manage stress is by utilizing mindful-based-stress-reduction. The primary objective of this exercise is to focus on three main elements: intention, attention, and attitude. The goal is to promote cognitive, sensory, kinesthetic, and emotional awareness at any given moment. In 2009, a study was published in which one hundred and twenty adolescents with diagnosed mood disorders were tested using the mindful-based-stress-reduction technique as an intervention. This included Hatha yoga as well as body scan, sitting, and walking meditations. These meditation-based exercises were performed under professional guidance and supervision two hours per week for eight consecutive weeks. At the end of the study, researchers concluded that mindful-based-stress-reduction solely and significantly reduced reports of stress and other symptoms of mood related disorders. Similar effects were seen in patients being treated with other forms of therapy (Biegel, 2009).
In 2016, a meta-analysis was consolidated in order to help validate the effectiveness of mindful-based cognitive therapy. Researchers found that not only does mindful-based cognitive therapy work in stress reduction but is also effective at treating and preventing relapses in major depressive disorders (Kuyken, 2016). The major outcome from this meta-analysis and the study completed in 2009 reveals that by using various forms of mindful-based meditation, one can naturally and effectively reduce both perceived stress levels and symptoms of depression without the use of pharmacological intervention.