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Mindful Stress Management

Caffeine & Stimulants

Caffeine is a drug that is commonly consumed throughout the world. Generally, it is considered safe and effective for increasing attention and overall alertness. However, many users who have consumed this drug in excess, via coffee or energy drink, report negative symptoms such as becoming “overly jittery” and experience alterations in their mood or behavior. One theory to explain this reaction is based on the acute releases of the stress hormone cortisol. It has been shown that both glucose and caffeine have a direct effect on circulating cortisol levels. A study was done in 2012 with the hopes of identifying the effects of glucose and caffeine, similar ingredients commonly sold energy drinks, on college-aged athletes undergoing three days of intense firefighter training. This training consisted of both physically and mentally demanding tasks such as search and rescue missions and memorization games. Throughout the study cortisol levels, mental health tests, and various cognitive test were strategically conducted. Researchers concluded as both caffeine and glucose were in fact increasing cortisol levels acutely, the participants reported lower levels of perceived stress compared to the control group receiving a placebo solution. Surprisingly, both high glucose and high caffeine test groups were able to perform better through physical and cognitive tests. According to the researchers in this study, consuming ten to fifty grams of glucose and forty to eighty milligrams of caffeine before periods of physically and mentally demanding activities may improve levels of perceived stress (Sünram-Lea, 2012).

              Although caffeine is widely viewed as a drug that has negative effects on physical and mental health when overly or chronically consumed, it appears that when taken in times of increased physical and cognitive distress it may help lower one’s overall response to emotional stress. Although this information is contrary to the aforementioned study, it is important to understand both sides of the proverbial coin, in order to make more concise choices regarding dietary consumption. For more information regarding energy drinks and caffeine use, please read the following information provided by the CDC in relation to consumption in adolescents and public schools: The Buzz on Energy Drinks.

Pouring Coffee
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